Club for parents and children
Talks for parents and creative activities for children 3 - 12 years old.
For children: games, painting, creating and activities
For parents: conversations in Czech on the following topics: registration and starting school, equipment for children, play and its meaning, sports activities, children's emotions, class meetings...
Communication languages: CZ, ENG, RUS
Dates: 8. 11., 22. 11., 6. 12., 13. 12. 2022
Time: 17:15 - 18:30
Price: free of charge
Where: Centrum pro integraci cizinců, Pernerova 10/32 Praha 8 (1st floor)
Registration required:
The project is implemented with the support of MHMP.
Konzultační hodiny:
Pondělí–pátek po předchozím objednání.
Monday–Friday by appointment.
Понедельник–пятница по предварительной записи.
tel.: +420 739 611 611, +420 736 633 911
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Neposkytujeme konzultace po telefonu.
We do not provide consultations over the phone.
Ми не надаємо консультацій по телефону.
Read more: Praha – Hermiona – sociálně aktivizační služba